New Year

Welcome to the New Year! It is nearly the of January and I am finally getting into a flow with the epic pandemic and all the unknowns that keep arising. Since the start of the pandemic in 2019/2020, my personal family unit has been through so much, as has all of yours. We juggled changes first in school schedules, then my personal work schedule, slowly asking people not to come because of the unknowns, to then shifting to a new position in which I had to hold space for people, each day learning something new to the moment we finally received a vaccine, a moment of hope for everyone I worked with and the people I served. 2021, brought more medical challenges for Kayla, and a move to Albuquerque, and a new job, still in the midsts of a pandemic. This year has found a new pulse.

Outside of the pandemic, is a return to life. I don’t want to say a return to normal, but a return to living, everyday, we are all adapting to the ongoing changes. Changes are now the new normal.

I hope that everyone reading is able to find something this year, something that brings joy. I have been getting out and moving more, movement is often joyful.

May 2022 be the year that we are able to navigate the world with a little more ease, kindness and hope.

Enjoying a bike ride and a little sunshine.

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